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DP-080: Querying Data with Microsoft Transact-SQL

Companion material and resources for the course 'Endpoint Administrator' delivery by Ricardo Cabral

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Using Functions and Aggregating Data

  1. Which kind of function is RANK?

    • A. window
    • B. aggregate
    • C. logical
    • D. numeric
  2. The Sales.SalesOrderDetail table contains a row for each line item that has been ordered. Each row includes the following columns:
    • ProductID: The unique ID of the product that was ordered.
    • Quantity: How many units of the product were ordered.
    • UnitPrice: The price per unit charged for the product.

    You run the following query:

     SELECT COUNT(ProductID) AS ProductIDCount, COUNT(Quantity) AS QuantityCount, SUM(UnitPrice) AS PriceSum
     FROM Sales.SalesOrderDetail;

    What does the value returned by the query for the QuantityCount column represent?

    • A. The number of distinct products that have been ordered
    • B. The total number of product units that have been ordered
    • C. The number of rows containing a Quantity value
    • D. The number of orders
  3. Which clause is required in order for an aggregate query to return more than one value?

    • A. GROUP BY
    • B. ORDER BY
    • C. WHERE
  4. You write a query that counts customers. The results should show the count of customers in each city in every state.

    Select the code required to complete the query:

     SELECT COUNT(CustomerID) AS CustomerCount, City AS CustomerCity, State AS CustomerState
     FROM Sales.Customer
     ______________________ ;
    • A. GROUP BY CustomerState, CustomerCity
    • B. GROUP BY City, State
    • C. GROUP BY CustomerCount
    • D. GROUP BY State, City, CustomerID
    • E. GROUP BY State, City
  5. Which should you use to filter the aggregated values in an aggregate query?

    • A. IN
    • B. WHERE
    • C. GROUP BY
    • D. HAVING
  6. What value will the following query return in the OrderStatus column for rows with a Status value of 2?

     SELECT OrderNumber, CHOOSE(Status, 'Ordered', 'Shipped', 'Delivered') AS OrderStatus
     FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader
    • A. NULL
    • B. Delivered
    • C. Ordered
    • D. Shipped

Source: ‘Transact-SQL’ published on Microsoft Virtual Academy

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